Bridging the gap between architect & interior designer...
tell me what help you need.

free chat
This is where we talk about you.
Let's chat about what you are wanting to achieve and we can discuss the next steps to making it a reality. This is a free chat to see if and where I can help.
Why do you need a design friend?
As your design friend I offer you down to earth help throughout your project, where and when you want it.
You may need help at the start in finding out the different options possible, maybe drawing up the plans, maybe with submission to the council, maybe finding a builder. Maybe choosing a kitchen, the best tile, lighting, colour scheme...etc. The options are endless, and we will work out what you need help with along the way!
Dipping into the plans package, or interiors package as you require can keep your costs as low as possible, whilst achieving the best results.
Arrange a meeting with me to start the discussion, at your house or mine.

Plans Package
Plans & Elevations?
Thinking of knocking through walls? Adding a single story extension? A small project such as this often does not require detailed architects drawings, however you will need a clear and precise set of drawings for the project, no matter how small. I can do these drawings for you with a focus on creating the best internal environment and external build.
Plans & Elevations will allow you to check what you would like to do with the Planning Portal and your local authority. Remodelling the interior of your house won't usually require planning permission, however it will enable you to show what you want your builder to do, as well as allowing you to get a price from one or more builders.
The builders would work closely with the Building Regulations Inspector to ensure compliance, and if calculations are required for steels and trusses then Structural Engineers are engaged. I can help you navigate through this process as cost effectively as possible.
Submission to your Planning Authority?
You can do it yourselves, or I can do it for you. I can make the application on your behalf, submitting the Plans, Elevations and Location Plan to check with the local authority that you can proceed, if the project is within Permitted Development, or if the project requires full Planning Permission to be granted. This will also include a Neighbourhood Consultation Check and submission to Building Regulations.

Interiors Package
Are you struggling to visualise your space?
I can help by building a 3D model. This will help answer questions that are fundamental in getting the design right from the beginning. How much space will I have? Can I fit in an island, a dining table and a sofa area for relaxing? How big does my extension need to be?
Do you need a mood board?
So many decisions to be made in a short period of time can be overwhelming. What kitchen? What worktop? What floor covering? What wall tiles? What wallpaper? What paint colour? etc...
I can help by pulling together ideas for your space, working with you to help you decide on the best options to suit what you are trying to achieve.
Do you need a paint schedule?
I can help you decide upon a paint scheme and provide you with a paint schedule to give to your decorator.
Do you need someone to just sort it?!
If you don't know where to start with a project I can do it for you, from deciding the design to arranging the works, keeping you informed along the way.